Updated Expense Limits & Candidate Returns

2025 Expense Limits

Every year, in accordance with legislation, the expense limits for candidates and registered political parties are updated based on changes to the consumer price index (CPI).

CPI data was recently released and updated expense limits have been posted to our website. These expense limits will be in effect through the 2025 calendar year, including for any by-elections that may be held. These figures can be found within the “Candidates and Parties” section of our website under “Political Finance Legislation” or you can go to them directly at https://cdn.elections.sk.ca/upload/Expense-Limits-Jan-25_All.pdf.

Candidate Election Expense Returns Posted

All candidate election expense returns received by the January 28 deadline have been posted on our website with a status of “As Filed.” These returns can be found within the “Reports & Data” section of our website: https://www.elections.sk.ca/reports-data/candidate-political-party-finances/candidate-party-returns-ge/2024-general-election/

Returns received after the deadline will be updated online on a weekly basis.

Our electoral finance team has begun their review of candidate returns and will be processing interim and auditor reimbursements as quickly as possible. We appreciate the cooperation that you, your candidates, their financial agents, and their auditors have shown to date.

The deadline for registered political parties to file their election expense return is Monday, April 28, 2025. RPP annual returns are due later that week on Wednesday, April 30.

Dr. Michael Boda
Chief Electoral Officer
Province of Saskatchewan