August 15, 2023. Elections Saskatchewan’s Ballot Confirmation Count took place yesterday at Dieppe School in Regina, following provincial by-elections in Lumsden-Morse, Regina Coronation Park, and Regina Walsh Acres.

In his By-Election Directive 2023-008, the Chief Electoral Officer directed that an independent inspection of ballots counted through vote counting equipment would be undertaken after the preliminary count. All ballots counted by equipment for the constituency of Regina Walsh Acres were included in this confirmation as it was the constituency that had the smallest margin between the first and second place candidates. For the other two constituencies, election officials randomly selected one ballot box from each of them and confirmed the results of that box, as is consistent with electoral best practice in Canada.

The result of yesterday’s count was that all ballots matched up exactly. Included were the Regina Walsh Acres ballots counted with vote counting equipment, as well as from the ballot boxes used at the Canswan Building for Lumsden-Morse, and from Imperial School for Regina Coronation Park.

Overseeing yesterday’s confirmation were Justice John Klebuc, Former Chief Justice of Saskatchewan, and Dr. Keith Archer, Former Chief Electoral Officer of British Columbia. Chief official agents, candidates, and candidate representatives were invited to observe yesterday’s confirmation count.

“The purpose of yesterday’s confirmation was to verify the accuracy of vote counting equipment used in these by-elections, and to learn how vote counting can be improved in advance of the next general election in October 2024,” said Dr. Michael Boda, Chief Electoral Officer for Saskatchewan. “The result of yesterday’s confirmation was that all ballots matched up exactly, further demonstrating the enhanced integrity of the election process by using vote counting machines.

For additional background on this ballot count confirmation, see the CEO By-Election Directive on our website at: A copy of the memorandum on the conduct of the confirmation is at: 

The remaining Vote by Mail ballots received at Elections Saskatchewan before the August 21 deadline will be counted at the Final Count on August 22. Complete timelines for ballot counting:

First Preliminary Count. Took place after 8 p.m. on August 10. Counted were ballots from voting week, homebound voting, and personal care facilities.

Second Preliminary Count. Took place two days after by-election day, on August 12. Included Vote by Mail ballots received by August 8. Results cumulative.

Final Count. Takes place 12 days after by-election day, so on August 22. Includes Vote by Mail ballots received after August 8 and before August 21. Results cumulative and final results produced.

Elections Saskatchewan (ESK) is the province’s nonpartisan election management body and an independent office of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan. ESK directs and supervises the administration of provincial electoral events including Saskatchewan’s next general election, scheduled, by legislation, for October 28, 2024. Information for voters, workers, media, candidates, and parties at

For more information contact:

Tim Kydd
Senior Director, Outreach & Communications
Elections Saskatchewan